What is Preinstalled or Preloaded App Campaign? How to Use for App User Acquisition? -

Pre-Installed (Preloaded) App Campaigns: The Secret Weapon for Explosively Growing Your Mobile App User Base


In the hyper-competitive mobile app market, user acquisition is the holy grail. But, traditional channels like social media or app store optimization can be expensive and time-consuming. What if there was a way to get your app directly in front of a massive audience the moment they unbox a new device? Enter pre-installed app campaigns – a powerful strategy that’s rapidly changing the game.

At AppSamurai, we’ve witnessed firsthand the incredible impact pre-installed apps can have on user acquisition. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unravel the secrets of this strategy, sharing data-backed insights and expert tips to supercharge your app’s growth.

Decoding Pre-Installed (Preloaded) App Campaigns

Pre-installed app campaigns involve partnering with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to get your app pre-loaded onto new devices. Imagine your app icon sitting prominently on the home screen, ready to be discovered by millions of users right from the start. This strategy offers a unique advantage by putting your app in front of users before they even have a chance to explore the app store.

Why Pre-Installed Apps are a Game-Changer:

  • Unmatched Reach: Reach a massive audience of new device users who are actively seeking apps to personalize their experience.
  • Reduced User Acquisition Costs: Studies show that pre-installed apps can have a significantly lower cost per install (CPI) compared to traditional advertising channels.
  • Increased Visibility: Your app gets prime real estate on the home screen, dramatically increasing brand awareness and driving organic downloads.
  • Improved User Quality: Pre-installed apps tend to attract higher-quality users who are more likely to engage with and retain your app.

Traditional User Acquisition Channels vs. Pre-Installed Apps

Channel Pros Cons
Social Media Large audience, targeting capabilities High competition, expensive CPCs/CPMs
Google Ads Reach users actively searching for apps Can be costly, requires ongoing optimization
App Store Optimization Long-term strategy, organic visibility Takes time to see results, requires ongoing effort
Mobile Ad Networks Diverse ad formats, wide reach Ad fatigue, potential for low-quality traffic
OEMs (Pre-Installed) Unmatched reach, lower CPI, higher visibility, improved user quality

Limited targeting options, requires partnership with OEMs

Harnessing the Power of Pre-Installed Apps

  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with OEMs that align with your target audience and offer favorable terms.
  • Data-Driven Targeting: Utilize available data to target specific user segments based on demographics, interests, or device models.
  • Compelling Onboarding: Design an engaging onboarding experience that highlights your app’s value proposition and encourages users to keep exploring.
  • Seamless Integration: Ensure your app integrates smoothly with the device’s operating system and other pre-installed apps.

AppSamurai: Your Partner in Pre-Installed App Success

AppSamurai is a leading mobile growth platform that specializes in pre-installed app campaigns. We have established partnerships with major OEMs, giving you access to a vast network of potential users. Our data-driven approach and expert guidance can help you maximize the impact of your pre-installed app campaigns and achieve unprecedented user acquisition results.

How TapNation Achieved ROAS+ via AppSamurai’s OEM (App Discovery) Campaign

Optimizing the campaigns with the best-performing ad creatives and placements, AppSamurai’s growth consultants have created successful campaigns and achieved the following results in a span of just 90 days. Click here to read!

The Future of App User Acquisition

Pre-installed app campaigns are poised to revolutionize the way apps are discovered and downloaded. As the mobile landscape continues to evolve, this strategy is becoming increasingly essential for achieving sustainable growth.

Building a strong user acquisition strategy focuses on acquiring qualified, high-value users in a cost-effective way. App Samurai can help you reach 67% of Android users that you cannot reach. With App Samurai’s On-Device Ad Placements, you can increase your brand awareness among competitors and your customers by being on new devices. 


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