The Best Mobile Marketing Information Resources in 2020

The Best Mobile Marketing Information Resources in 2021?

Developing a mobile marketing strategy can be hard. When setting out the objective of creating a meaningful and seamless mobile customer experience, the questions that might arise are many: “how to create the best possible experience for my customers?”, “how do I speed things up?”, “Should I create an integrated app that complements my website and makes the whole process smoother?”.
Along with these questions, many more concern the content, both in terms of quality and quantity. Taking inspiration from high-quality and authoritative mobile marketing resources is probably the step that, before moving on with the more technical stuff, should be well-thought-out.

In the following lines, we are going to point out what we consider to be the best app marketing resources for you to take advantage of. If you are a business owner in search for more traction (regardless of whether you are a mobile marketing geek), some of the resources you will find in this article will help you in getting a broader understanding about how to create the best customer experience possible for whoever browses your website or app. 

In this article/


The Best Mobile Marketing Resources:

  • AppSamurai’s Blog

    Speaking of high-quality content, you will not want to miss the steady updates of one of the best app marketing resources available on the Internet. AppSamurai was born with the intent of offering its clients the best solutions in order to reach global growth, acquire engaged users, and carry their apps to success, all within strict rules in terms of transparency and innovation.
    Among its most sought-after resources, AppSamurai offers free mobile marketing blog posts, infographics, ebooks, mobile marketing case studies and even further guides and glossaries to keep you constantly updated with the mobile app world’s latest happenings.

  • Braze’s Blog

    Known as Appboy until 2017, Braze is a complete customer engagement (and irreplaceable mobile marketing resource for many) platform that has in cross-channel optimization, lifecycle engagement orchestration and data agility & management its most requested services. Besides them, Braze is also widely recognized as a great source of information as it pertains to mobile app updates and resources. Its library, magazines, and guides for both users and developers makes it easy to get acquainted with mobile apps and brand optimization.

  • Mobile Marketing Watch’s Blog

    Owned by mobileStorm (a Los Angeles-based communications company that acquired MMW back in 2008), Mobile Marketing Watch is one of the most dominant forces in the US when it comes to the mobile niche.
    Within a special section on its website, MMW has a constantly-updated repository of mobile marketing content, ranging from blog posts to best practices and case studies.
    Even more, if you’d like to get the most recent Mobile Marketing Watch updates, news and insights directly in your inbox, MMW offers you the opportunity to subscribe to its newsletter.

    </li id=”AppTamin’s Blog”>AppTweak’s Blog

    Since 2014, AppTweak has been an App Store Optimization (ASO) pioneer and a staple for many in terms of valuable mobile marketing resource. From day one, its game has been that of providing its customer with both the most qualitative and quantitative data in order to boost organic app downloads, find new growth opportunities, and increase app visibility.
    Given its authority in the ASO subject, AppTweak has made a conscious choice to create a whole website section called “Learn ASO”, which provides free demo, webinars, guides, and tons of other resources. All of that in addition, of course, to a full-fledged ASO blog filled with marketing articles, tips, news and interviews.

  • AppTamin’s Blog

    AppTamin is the self-proclaimed “App Video Agency” specialized in video ads, Google Play Store video promos, iOS App previews, game trailers and explainer videos.
    AppTamin’s authority and mobile video prowess and professionalism is proven by the large number of meaningful and high-profile working partnerships that is has under its belt, the likes of Avast, RedBullTV, Nanobit, and Ludia, just to name a few.
    In its free blog section, you can find priceless content, such as monthly mobile video updates and tips that will help you create effective mobile ads.

  • Mobile Marketer’s Blog

Mobile Marketer is another valuable presence in the realm of noteworthy mobile marketing resources. It gives to many marketers around the world in-depth journalism and business insights that cover the mobile marketing and advertising subjects entirely. Inside its website, MM has a dense industry-research library which includes (but is not limited to) topics such as AI, analytics, e-Commerce, and, of course, plenty of mobile marketing material.

If you are a mobile app geek, there are literally hundreds of ways to make you more knowledgeable about the subject. One of them is through listening to high-quality audio content, just like the one that the App Business Podcast provides.
The App Business Podcast was created with a focus on the business side of mobile app development. Specifically, it includes topics that help creators worldwide not only to leverage their expertise throughout the buying and selling processes, but also to get them comfortable around the creation, monetization, and overall development of an app.
If you don’t have time to pick up a book or sit down and read it regularly, podcasts might be the best content consumption alternative for you. 

  • Tune’s Blog

    Launched in 2009 as an affiliate marketing platform, Tune has evolved and expanded its scope throughout the last couple of years, including business development, influencers, content publishers, and many other kinds of partnerships in its array of services.
    The main difference between Tune and the other companies mentioned in this article is that Tune uses its platform for fostering and maintaining healthy business relationships amongst marketing professionals, and not within B2C settings. Its goal is simply to open new ways to communicate and get on the same business page, in order to achieve success together.
    Tune offers a free blog (with mostly affiliate-marketing-centered content) which anyone interested in properly structuring their mobile app marketing plan and business strategy will find useful.


Are Mobile Marketing Resources Useful?

These mobile marketing resources are not just a great starting point for those who are just getting started. Blogs keep you up to date, mobile marketing case studies give you the industry insights and infographics make you visualize the information better. They are also valuable for seasoned mobile marketing professionals who have been practicing their craft for considerably longer periods of time. Whatever the case, pick one (or more) of these resources and make it a point to constantly read it, browse it, and improve your game on both a theoretical and practical level.  We now live in a digital era, where change is the only constant, and technology is essential in order to achieve any kind of business success. So set aside a chunk of time on a regular basis, and bow down to the learning process.
Your future self will thank you for it.


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